
This is the 181st most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "covid" refers to COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Here, 'Covid' is the subject of the sentence and refers to the pandemic, emphasizing its influence on people's routines.

Covid hefur haft mikil áhrif á daglegt líf.

COVID has had a significant impact on daily life.

Here, 'Covid' functions as the object of the clause, showing that it was the condition experienced.

Eftir að hafa fengið Covid, þurfti hún að vera í sóttkví.

After contracting COVID, she had to quarantine.

In this sentence, 'Covid' is used in a prepositional phrase, illustrating the pandemic as a target of protection.

Fólk ætti að nota andlitsgrímur til að vernda sig gegn Covid.

People should wear face masks to protect themselves against COVID.