
This is the 88th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "daga" means "to dawn" or "to become day."

Here, 'dagar' is the plural form of 'dagur', referring to 'days' as in units of time.

Sólríkir dagar eru algengir á sumrin.

Sunny days are common in summer.

In this sentence, 'daga' takes the form of a verb meaning 'to work on' or 'to develop', especially creatively.

Við skulum daga út fyrir nýtt verkefni.

Let's work on a new project.

Here, 'dagði' is used as a conjugated past tense verb, meaning 'to aim' or 'to set a goal' in a figurative sense.

Hann dagði einhverju í morgun.

He aimed for something this morning.