
This is the 376th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Deildinni" means "the department" or "the division" in English.

Here, "deildinni" is the dative singular of "deild" (department) and refers to a location, indicating where the meeting will take place.

Við munum hitta í deildinni á morgun.

We will meet in the department tomorrow.

In this sentence, "deildinni" again is the dative singular of "deild" and signifies the place where the discussion occurred.

Hún tók þátt í umræðu í deildinni.

She participated in a discussion in the department.

Here, "deildinni" is used to denote the context or environment (department) where the support existed.

Ákvörðunin var tekin með stuðningi í deildinni.

The decision was made with support in the department.