
This is the 615th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Pulled" or "drawn."

The word "dregið" here is the past participle of the verb "draga," meaning "to pull." It is used to indicate an action that has been completed in the past, describing the object being dragged (the boat).

Þeir höfðu dregið bátinn upp á land.

They had pulled the boat onto the land.

Here, "dregið" is part of the phrase "dregið á því," which metaphorically means "hesitated." The verb "draga" in this context takes on an idiomatic meaning, showcasing its diverse applications.

Hann hafði aldrei dregið á því að segja sannleikann.

He had never hesitated to tell the truth.

In this sentence, "dregið" is still the past participle of the verb "draga," but here it is used in a more metaphorical sense, meaning "withdrawn." This shows the flexibility of the verb in describing both physical and figurative actions.

Ritið hefur verið dregið úr sölu.

The publication has been withdrawn from sale.