
This is the 818th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Fannst" means "was found" or "was discovered" in English.

In this sentence, 'fannst' is used as the past participle passive voice of the verb 'finna', meaning 'to find'. It translates here to 'was found'.

Hann fannst í dag við ána.

He was found today by the river.

Here, 'fannst' is used in the first person singular past tense to express finding or perceiving someone or something in a certain way.

Mér fannst hún mjög skemmtileg.

I found her very amusing.

In this example, 'fannst' appears as the past tense form of 'finnast', meaning 'to find (something) enjoyable' or 'to think (something)'. It conveys the dog's perspective or feeling.

Hundinum fannst skemmtilegt í garðinum.

The dog found it enjoyable in the garden.