
This is the 899th most frequent Icelandic word.

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Capital or funds.

Here, 'fjármagn' refers to financial resources or capital possessed by the company.

Fyrirtækið hefur nægilegt fjármagn til að stækka starfsemi sína.

The company has sufficient capital to expand its operations.

In this context, 'fjármagn' is used to represent financial assets or funds needed to accomplish objectives.

Til að ná þessum markmiðum verður að tryggja meira fjármagn.

To achieve these goals, more financial assets must be secured.

Here, 'fjármagn' is viewed as a broader concept, relating to capital or financial power on an economic scale.

Óviðráðanlegt fjármagn getur haft áhrif á jafnvægi efnahagsins.

Uncontrolled capital can impact the economic balance.