
This is the 726th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Flateyrar" is the plural genitive form of "Flateyri," meaning "of Flateyri," a village in Iceland.

The word 'flateyrar' here is in the genitive case used to describe possession or relation.

Flateyrar bærinn er einstaklega fallegur.

The village of Flateyri is exceptionally beautiful.

'Flateyrar' is the genitive case indicating the direction or destination of 'to Flateyri'.

Ég fór í heimsókn til Flateyrar í sumar.

I visited Flateyri this summer.

Here 'Flateyrar' forms a compound noun emphasizing the association with Flateyri.

Á Flateyrarvöllnum spiluðu krakkarnir fótbolta.

On Flateyri's field, the children played football.