
This is the 166th most frequent Icelandic word.

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Chairman or leader.

In this context, 'formaður' represents a title or position of leadership within the club, showcasing the nominal usage.

Hún var kosin sem formaður klúbbsins.

She was elected as the chairman of the club.

In this usage, 'formaður' specifically describes the role or function of leading and presiding over discussions or actions in meetings.

Starfsmenn ræddu hlutverkið sem formaður tekur á fundunum.

The employees discussed the role the chairman takes in the meetings.

Here, 'formaður' means the 'chairman', referring to a leader or presiding officer of a meeting or organization.

Formaðurinn leiddi fundinn með mikilli atorku.

The chairman led the meeting with great energy.