
This is the 174th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Fram" means "forward" or "ahead" in English.

Here, 'fram' is used to indicate moving forward, in this case, towards a physical location or direction.

Við skulum fara fram á ganginn.

Let's go forward to the hallway.

In this sentence, 'fram' is part of the verb 'leggja fram,' meaning 'to present or propose a plan or idea.'

Hún lagði fram góðar tillögur fyrir fundinn.

She presented good suggestions for the meeting.

Here, 'fram' is part of the phrase 'halda áfram,' which means 'to continue,' indicating the continuation or perpetuation of an action.

Af hverju heldur þú þessu áfram?

Why are you continuing with this?