
This is the 567th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "framkvæmda" means "implementation" or "execution" in English.

'Framkvæmda' acts as a genitive plural descriptor for 'áætlun', specifying the plan as one related to execution or implementation.

Framkvæmdaáætlunin er tilbúin til að fara í gang.

The implementation plan is ready to commence.

Here, 'framkvæmda' is used as a part of the verb 'framkvæma' in an infinitive passive form, indicating the necessity of implementation.

Framkvæmda þarf til að ná árangri í verkefninu.

Actions need to be taken to achieve success in the project.

In this sentence, 'framkvæmda' appears as a genitive plural noun, referring to the projects or undertakings being financed.

Stjórnin ræðir um fjármögnun framkvæmda.

The board discusses the financing of projects.