
This is the 76th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "fundi" means "meeting" (accusative or dative singular of "fundur").

The word 'fundi' here is the accusative case plural form of 'fundur', meaning 'meeting'.

Ég fór á fundi í morgun.

I went to meetings this morning.

The word 'fundi' in this sentence refers to a meeting where the subject found the photo, demonstrating its usage as a locative reference.

Hún fann gamla mynd á fundi.

She found an old photo at a meeting.

In this example, 'fundi' is in the dative case singular form of 'fundur', showing a singular instance being referenced with prepositional context.

Þeir ræddu málin á fundi þeirra.

They discussed the matters at their meeting.