
This is the 159th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Fyrst" in Icelandic means "first" or "at first."

Here, 'fyrst' is used to denote 'at first', indicating the initial intention or condition in a sequence of events.

Fyrst áttum við að fara í búðina, en breyttum áætluninni.

At first, we were supposed to go to the store, but we changed the plan.

Here, 'fyrst' is used as a conjunction meaning 'since' or 'as', introducing the reason or the cause for the following action.

Fyrst hann kemur ekki, þá byrjum við án hans.

Since he is not coming, we will start without him.

In this sentence, 'fyrst' means 'for you first', implying the act was done for someone as a priority.

Ég gerði þetta fyrst þig, vegna þess að þú ert mér mikilvæg.

I did this for you first, because you are important to me.