
This is the 134th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Félagsins" means "of the society" or "of the association" in English.

In this sentence, 'félagsins' is the genitive singular form of 'félag', meaning 'organization', and is used to indicate possession or association, implying 'of the organization'.

Stefnan félagsins er að styðja við umhverfisvernd.

The goal of the organization is to support environmental conservation.

In this example, 'félagsins' conveys possession, indicating 'the organization's projects' as something associated with the organization.

Ávinningur af þátttöku í verkefnum félagsins er mikill.

The benefit of participating in the organization's projects is significant.

Here, 'félagsins' denotes the possessive association, meaning ‘of the organization,’ referring to the rules that belong to the organization.

Við ræddum um reglur félagsins á fundinum.

We discussed the rules of the organization at the meeting.