
This is the 292nd most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Gerðar" is the plural genitive form of "gerð," which means "types," "kinds," "forms," or "constructions" in English.

The word 'gerðar' is used here in the genitive plural form of 'gerð', meaning 'types' or 'kinds', dependent on the noun 'skilyrða' (conditions), which it modifies.

Hafa þarf í huga ýmsar gerðar skilyrða.

One must consider various types of conditions.

The word 'gerðar' appears here as the past participle form of 'gera' (to make/prepare), utilised in the passive voice to describe the noun 'ráðstafanir' (arrangements).

Gerðar voru ráðstafanir til að bæta ástandið.

Arrangements were made to improve the situation.

In this instance, 'gerðar' functions as the past participle masculine/feminine plural form of the verb 'gera' (to make/do), forming a passive construction modifying the noun 'breytingarnar' (the changes).

Eru breytingarnar sem voru gerðar í skipulaginu mikilvægar?

Are the changes that were made in the planning significant?