
This is the 313th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "grein" means "article," "branch," or "section" in English, depending on context.

In this sentence, 'grein' refers to a 'field' or 'branch' of study or expertise.

Nám er flókin grein sem krefst mikillar einbeitingar.

Study is a complex field that requires a lot of focus.

Here, 'grein' is used to mean 'article' as in a written work or piece of journalism.

Ég las nýlega áhugaverða grein í dagblaðinu.

I recently read an interesting article in the newspaper.

In this context, 'grein' means a 'branch' of a tree.

Ég sá grein af eikinni sem hafði brotnað í storminum.

I saw a branch from the oak tree that had broken in the storm.