
This is the 677th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Grundvelli" means "basis" or "foundation" in English.

The word 'grundvelli' here is used to indicate the foundation or basis for making a decision, translated as 'based on'.

Á grundvelli gagna tókum við ákvörðunina.

Based on the data, we made the decision.

In this sentence, 'grundvelli' refers to the foundational experience inspiring the writings, often denoting a grounding or principle.

Ljóðin voru skrifuð á grundvelli persónulegrar reynslu.

The poems were written on the basis of personal experience.

Here, the term 'grundvelli' indicates the regulations or guiding principles binding the functioning of the school.

Skólin starfar á grundvelli laga og reglna.

The school operates on the basis of laws and regulations.