
This is the 961st most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Guðna" is a masculine given name in Icelandic, derived from "Guð," meaning "God."

In this sentence, 'Guðna' is the possessive singular genitive form of the male name 'Guðni', used to refer to a specific person.

Guðna er nýr kennari í skólanum.

Guðna is a new teacher at the school.

Here, 'Guðna' is the accusative case of the proper noun 'Guðni', employed when 'Guðni' is the direct object of the action.

Við töluðum við Guðna um verkefnið.

We talked to Guðna about the project.

In this query, 'Guðna' serves as the accusative form of the noun 'Guðni', used because 'Guðni' is the object of the verb 'see' in the sentence.

Hafið þið séð Guðna nýlega?

Have you seen Guðna recently?