
This is the 224th most frequent Icelandic word.

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Homepage or website.

In this example, 'heimasíðu' is in the dative case, being the object of the preposition 'á' (on). It represents the online presence of a museum.

Á heimasíðu safnsins má finna upplýsingar um sýningarnar.

On the museum's website, one can find information about the exhibitions.

Here, 'heimasíðu' is also in the accusative case, indicating a direct object of the action 'uppfærum' (update). It denotes a corporate website.

Við uppfærum heimasíðu fyrirtækisins reglulega.

We regularly update the company's website.

In this sentence, 'heimasíðu' is in the accusative case as it's the direct object of the verb 'skoða' (to check). It refers to the main page of an educational institution.

Ég skoða alltaf heimasíðu skólans míns daglega.

I always check my school's homepage daily.