
This is the 525th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "helga" means "to dedicate" or "to consecrate."

Here 'Helga' is a proper noun, a common Icelandic female name.

Helga fer í vinnuna á hverjum degi.

Helga goes to work every day.

In this sentence, 'helga' is a verb meaning 'to dedicate' or 'to consecrate'.

Við ætlum að helga daginn málaralist.

We intend to dedicate the day to painting art.

Here, 'helga' is part of the reflexive verb 'að helga sig', meaning 'to dedicate oneself'.

Það er mikilvægt að helga sig því sem skiptir máli.

It is important to dedicate oneself to what matters.