
This is the 179th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "henni" means "her" or "to her" in English, as the dative case of "hún" (she).

'Henni' here is in the dative case and forms part of the expression 'henni líkar', describing the person experiencing a feeling or liking.

Henni líkar vel við köttinn.

She likes the cat.

In this sentence, 'henni' succeeds the verb 'gaf' and functions as the indirect object, indicating the person to whom the action is directed.

Ég gaf henni bók.

I gave her a book.

Here, 'henni' is replaced by 'hana' when acting as a direct object, contrasting the indirect dative usage seen previously.

Ég talaði við hana og spurði hana um hjálp.

I spoke to her and asked her for help.