
This is the 999th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Hf" is the abbreviation for "hlutafélag," meaning "public limited company" in Icelandic.

Here, 'Hf.' is being used as an abbreviation for 'Herra forseti', which means 'Mister President' in Icelandic formal address.

"Hf., getur þú sent mér skýrsluna í tölvupósti?"

"CEO, could you send me the report via email?"

Used as an abbreviation to indicate the legal structure of a newly registered public limited company (plc) in Iceland.

"Nýskráning fyrirtækisins sem hf. var samþykkt í vikunni."

"The company's registration as a plc was approved this week."

Used to denote 'hf.' as an abbreviation for 'hlutafélag', signaling a corporation or public company in Icelandic.

"Ég las grein í Morgunblaðinu um nýjustu þróunina hjá Íslenskum hf."

"I read an article in Morgunblaðið about the latest development at Íslenskum Corp."