
This is the 167th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Hins" is the genitive definite article "the" in Icelandic.

"Hins vegar" is used here as an adverbial phrase meaning "however" or "on the other hand."

Hins vegar er mikilvægt að læra tungumál.

However, it is important to learn languages.

"Hins" is used as a genitive form of the definite article, referring to "skálds" (the poet).

Stíllinn hins skálds var einstakur.

The style of the poet was unique.

"Hins" is used as a genitive form in a superlative structure, modifying "leiða" (pathways).

Hins réttustu leiða var valin.

The most correct path was chosen.