
This is the 681st most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "hugmyndum" means "ideas" in English.

The word "hugmyndum" is in the dative plural, indicating the ideas are the items with which the students came.

Nemendur mættu á fundinn með eigin hugmyndum að lausnum.

The students came to the meeting with their own ideas for solutions.

"Hugmyndir" is the plural nominative form of "hugmynd," used here as the subject of the clause.

Bókin fjallar um augljós og duldar hugmyndir sem móta samfélagið.

The book discusses explicit and implicit ideas that shape society.

Here, "hugmyndum" is the dative plural form of "hugmynd," meaning "idea." It's used to indicate the object of the verb "vinna" in this sentence.

Ég hef verið að vinna með nokkrum mismunandi hugmyndum að nýju verkefni.

I have been working with several different ideas for a new project.