
This is the 203rd most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word *"hverju"* means "what" or "anything" in dative case, depending on context.

"Hverju" is used here as an interrogative pronoun in the dative case, signifying 'what' in 'to what'.

Hverju þarf ég að svara í þessu prófi?

What do I need to answer in this test?

"Hverju" is utilized here as an adjective in the dative case, meaning 'every' in the context of 'by every'.

Ég er hrifinn af hverju nýju lagi sem hún syngur.

I am impressed by every new song she sings.

"Hverju" functions here as an indefinite pronoun in the dative case, signifying 'anything' in the context of 'about anything'.

Hann er alltaf að spyrja um hverju sem er.

He's always asking about anything.