
This is the 754th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "hvetur" means "encourages" or "urges" in English.

'hvetur' means 'encourages' here, being the verb expressing that the teacher motivates their students.

Kennarinn hvetur nemendur sína til árangurs.

The teacher encourages their students to achieve success.

'hvetur' means 'urges' in this context, acting as a stronger form of encouragement or motivation.

Ræðumaðurinn í gær hvetur okkur til aðgerða.

The speaker yesterday urges us to take action.

'hvetur' translates to 'advocates' here, emphasizing a recommendation or active encouragement for a specific behavior.

Efnahagsráðherra hvetur til ábyrgrar fjármálastjórnunar.

The Minister of Economy advocates for responsible financial management.