
This is the 755th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "hófust" means "began" or "started."

In this sentence, 'hófust' is the past tense form of the verb 'hefja' (to start) in plural, indicating that the preparation (plural subject) began.

Undirbúningur fyrir hátíðina hófust fyrir tveimur mánuðum.

Preparation for the festival started two months ago.

Here, 'hófust' is used to indicate the start of an event (the matches). It demonstrates its application for events in plural.

Leikirnir hófust klukkan átta.

The matches began at eight o'clock.

In this sentence, 'hófust' is in the past tense and signifies the initiation of research activities (subject is plural).

Rannsóknirnar á verkefninu hófust árið 2020.

The research on the project started in the year 2020.