
This is the 964th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Hólum" is the dative plural form of "hóll," meaning "hills" or "mounds" in English.

Here, 'hólum' is again the dative plural form of 'hóll'. It is used to indicate the location of the hills where the birds reside, emphasizing a sense of distance.

Fuglarnir búa á hólum langt frá borginni.

The birds live on hills far from the city.

In this example, 'hólum' is used to describe the setting of the game, indicating that it took place on grassy, elevated areas, with 'grænum' (green) as an adjective describing 'hólum'.

Leikurinn var spilaður á grænum hólum.

The game was played on green hills.

In this sentence, 'hólum' is in the dative plural form of the Icelandic noun 'hóll', which means 'hill'. It is used here to describe the geographical feature of 'hills' in the context of walking across them.

Við gengum yfir hólum í landslaginu.

We walked over hills in the landscape.