
This is the 328th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "karla" is the genitive plural form of "karl," meaning "of men" or "of males."

In this sentence, 'karla' is the genitive plural form of 'karl', indicating possession or association in the group context.

Hópur karla spilaði fótbolta á vellinum.

A group of men played soccer on the field.

Here, 'karla' is used as the genitive plural to indicate the group of men being referred to.

Ég sá þennan hóp karla á tónleikunum í gær.

I saw that group of men at the concert yesterday.

'Karla' in this sentence is in the genitive plural form, denoting association or group pertaining to 'karl'.

Við fórum á fund karla til að ræða málin.

We went to a meeting of men to discuss issues.