
This is the 168th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "komu" means "arrival" in English.

In this sentence, 'komu' is the past tense of the verb 'koma', which means 'to come', indicating that the subjects arrived in the past.

Þeir komu í gær til að heimsækja okkur.

They arrived yesterday to visit us.

Here, 'komu' is used as a noun meaning 'introduction' or 'arrival', referring to the implementation of changes.

Frumvarpið fékk komu góðar breytingar á lögum.

The proposal brought good changes to the law.

In this case, 'komu' is again a noun, referring to the arrival of the children.

Komu barnanna var fagnað með gleði.

The arrival of the children was celebrated with joy.