
This is the 298th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Kristján" is an Icelandic male given name, equivalent to "Christian" in English.

The word 'Kristján' is a male given name and in this sentence, it's used as the subject of the verb, indicating the person performing the action.

Kristján fór í búðina.

Kristján went to the store.

In this sentence, 'Kristján' is in the accusative case and functions as the object of the prepositional phrase governed by 'við', meaning 'with' or 'to', that completes the verb's context.

Við tölum oft við Kristján.

We often talk to Kristján.

Here, 'Kristján' appears in the accusative case as the direct object of the verb 'sá', indicating the person being seen.

Ég sá Kristján á tónleikunum.

I saw Kristján at the concert.