
This is the 687th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Of the country's inhabitants" or "of the nation’s people."

In this sentence, 'landsmanna' is similarly in the genitive plural, indicating possession or association with the people's interests.

Viðburðurinn heillaði hugi landsmanna um land allt.

The event captivated the minds of the nation's people across the country.

Here, 'landsmanna' again demonstrates a possessive relation in plural form, implying ownership or affiliation with rights belonging to the people.

Efling réttarstöðu landsmanna var á dagskrá.

Strengthening the rights of the nation's people was on the agenda.

Here, 'landsmanna' refers to the genitive plural form of 'landsmaður', meaning individuals of the nation, denoting possession or association with the people collectively.

Landsmanna samanlagður fjöldi er nú um tíu milljónir.

The combined population of the nation's people is now about ten million.