
This is the 383rd most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "liðið" can mean "the team" or "the past," depending on context.

Here, 'liðið' is used as a noun meaning 'the team' and functions as the subject of the sentence.

Liðið vann leikinn í gærkvöldi.

The team won the game last night.

In this sentence, 'liðið' is used as a form of the verb 'líða', meaning 'to pass', to describe the passage of time.

Tíminn hefur liðið hratt undanfarin ár.

Time has passed quickly in recent years.

Here, 'liðið' is the past participle of 'líða', meaning 'to feel', indicating personal experiences.

Ég hef liðið illa síðustu daga.

I have felt unwell the past few days.