
This is the 455th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Lífi" means "life" in English.

In this sentence, "lífi" is the dative case form of the noun "líf" (life), used as the object of the preposition "í" (in).

Hún finnur gleði í daglegu lífi.

She finds joy in daily life.

Here, "lífi" is again the dative case, used with "í" to express the state of being in someone's life.

Vera í lífi einhvers er dýrmætt.

Being in someone's life is precious.

The term "lífi" is used in the dative case to indicate the circumstance (at risk to his life) in a general descriptive context.

Hann berst fyrir réttindum sínum með lífi sínu í hættu.

He fights for his rights with his life at risk.