
This is the 427th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "manna" means "of people" or "to populate" depending on context.

The word 'manna' serves here as the verb 'manna,' meaning 'to staff or man,' referring to assigning people to tasks.

Mörg bæjarfélög manna fjölda verkefna með sjálfboðaliðum.

Many municipalities staff numerous projects with volunteers.

Here, 'manna' is the genitive plural form of 'maður,' meaning 'man' or 'human being,' indicating possession or association to 'saga' (history).

Saga manna í Íslandi er forvitnileg og flókin.

The history of humans in Iceland is intriguing and complex.

In this sentence, 'manna' is used within the compound noun 'mannaheilsan,' meaning 'health shared among people,' referring to cultural practices.

Mannaheilsan var mikilvæg í gömlum íslenskum samfélögum.

The sharing of health among people was important in old Icelandic societies.