
This is the 632nd most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "miða" means "ticket" or "to aim/target," depending on context.

Here, 'miða við' is used as a phrase meaning 'base on' or 'rely on', demonstrating how 'miða' is used in compound expressions to indicate a standard or reference for comparison.

Ég ætla að miða við fyrri reynslu.

I will base it on previous experience.

In this sentence, 'miðann' is the accusative singular form of 'miði', meaning 'ticket', showcasing a different usage of the word where it refers to an object.

Gætir þú rétt mér miðann, vinsamlegast?

Could you hand me the ticket, please?

Here, 'miða við' is used to mean 'aim at', showing how the verb form can take on different meanings based on the context and the accompanying words.

Börnin miðu við trén í leik sínum.

The children aimed at the trees in their play.