
This is the 583rd most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "málum" is the dative or accusative plural form of "mál," meaning "cases," "matters," "languages," or "paints," depending on context.

Here, 'málum' is used as part of the phrase 'í málum,' meaning 'to take legal action' or 'to bring a case.' It represents legal matters.

Við förum í málum ef það er nauðsynlegt.

We will take legal action if it's necessary.

Here, 'málum' refers to 'topics' or 'subjects,' signifying areas of discussion or interest.

Ég hef áhuga á öllum málum sem tengjast menningu.

I am interested in all topics related to culture.

In this case, 'málum' refers to 'paints,' the medium used in painting.

Við erum að mála með litríku málum.

We are painting with colorful paints.