
This is the 256th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Rekstri" in English means "operation" or "management," typically in the context of running a business or organization.

In this sentence, 'rekstri' refers to the act of managing or operating businesses, showing its use in a professional context.

Hann hefur mikla reynslu af rekstri fyrirtækja.

He has extensive experience in managing businesses.

Here, 'rekstri' indicates the process or activities involved in running or maintaining the house, demonstrating its applicability in various operational scenarios.

Við vorum stolt af velgengni í rekstri hússins.

We were proud of the success in the operation of the house.

In this instance, 'rekstri' pertains to conducting business or running the store, highlighting its use in economical and logistical contexts.

Áskoranir í rekstri verslunarinnar fóru minnkandi.

Challenges in the operation of the store began to decrease.