
This is the 246th most frequent Icelandic word.

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Minister (government official).

Here, 'ráðherra' is used to describe an individual taking over the role of a minister.

Nýr ráðherra tók við embættinu þar sem hinn fyrrverandi hætti.

A new minister assumed office after the previous one left.

In this instance, 'ráðherra' specifies the person's professional role within a specific governmental ministry.

Hún starfar sem ráðherra í menntamálaráðuneytinu.

She works as a minister in the Ministry of Education.

In this sentence, 'ráðherrar' is used to refer to multiple ministers in a governmental context.

Ráðherrar stjórnarráðsins hittust til fundar.

The ministers of the government met for a meeting.