
This is the 83rd most frequent Icelandic word.

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"According to"

The word "samkvæmt" is used here to mean "according to," introducing the source of the information.

Samkvæmt veðurspánni verður sólskin á morgun.

According to the weather forecast, it will be sunny tomorrow.

Here, "samkvæmt" means "according to" or "following," indicating that the action was done in alignment with guidance or advice.

Ég hef lesið bókina samkvæmt hvatningu kennarans.

I have read the book following my teacher's encouragement.

In this sentence, "samkvæmt" specifies conformity with rules or standards, linking the prohibition to the regulations.

Samkvæmt skólareglunum, má ekki nota farsíma í tímum.

In accordance with the school regulations, mobile phones are not allowed in class.