
This is the 771st most frequent Icelandic word.

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Cooperation or collaboration.

The word "samstarf" here refers to the collaborative effort or partnership within the organization.

Við ætlum að nýta samstarf félagsins til að bæta þjónustuna.

We plan to use the cooperation of the organization to improve the service.

The term "samstarf" in this sentence emphasizes the active engagement and collaboration between partners.

Samstarf þitt við núverandi samstarfsaðila hefur skilað jákvæðum árangri.

Your cooperation with the current partners has resulted in positive outcomes.

Here, "samstarf" represents the formation of a cooperative relationship or alliance between entities.

Nýtt samstarf milli stofnana mun efla nýsköpun.

A new collaboration between institutions will boost innovation.