
This is the 663rd most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Sigríður" is an Icelandic female given name, meaning "victory and beauty."

Here, 'Sigríður' is used as a proper noun, referring to a person's name.

Sigríður er afmælisbarn dagsins.

Sigríður is the birthday person of the day.

In this sentence, 'Sigríður' appears in the accusative case ('Sigríði') as the object of the verb 'hitti' ('met').

Ég hitti Sigríði í bænum í gær.

I met Sigríður in town yesterday.

Here, 'Sigríður' is in the genitive case ('Sigríðar') to indicate possession or relation (translated as 'to Sigríður').

Við förum í heimsókn til Sigríðar í dag.

We are visiting Sigríður today.