
This is the 807th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "Sigrún" is a female given name meaning "victory rune" or "victorious secret."

The word 'Sigrún' is used as a proper noun, referring to an individual, with an object role in the sentence.

Ég hitti Sigrún í hádeginu.

I met Sigrún at lunch.

Here, the word 'Sigrún' is used as a proper noun in the dative case due to the verb requiring it when referring to addressing someone.

Við ræddum Sigrún um hverfisverkefnið.

We talked to Sigrún about the neighborhood project.

The word 'Sigrún' is used as a proper noun, as the name of a person, with a subject role in the sentence.

Sigrún fór í búðina til að kaupa brauð.

Sigrún went to the store to buy bread.