
This is the 854th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Skipum" is the dative plural form of "skip," meaning "ships" in English.

'Skipum' here is the dative plural form of 'skip', meaning 'ships', and is used due to its role in the prepositional object indicating location.

Við sáum margar tegundir af skipum í höfninni.

We saw many types of ships in the harbor.

'Skipunum' here is the dative plural form of 'skipun', meaning 'orders', indicating possession in a context of compliance or holding.

Ég er með allar skipunum þínum.

I have all your orders.

'Skipunum' here is again dative plural of 'skip', indicating the use with a preposition that governs the dative case.

Hann vinnur við að stjórna skipunum.

He works operating the ships.