
This is the 459th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "skóla" means "school."

Here, 'skóla' is in the accusative case, signifying the action of attending or going to school.

Ég þarf að fara í skóla á morgun.

I need to go to school tomorrow.

In this context, 'skóla' is used in the dative case to indicate its role in describing the purpose or destination (for what the bag is prepared).

Bókin mín er í töskunni fyrir skóla.

My book is in the bag for school.

Here, 'skóla' is in a general reference indicating an institution of education, often used in the context of seeking further knowledge about it.

Hún hefur áhuga á að læra meira um skóla.

She is interested in learning more about school.