
This is the 774th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Slík" in Icelandic means "such" or "like that."

The word 'slík' is used here as a determiner or an adjective to describe 'ferð' (journey), implying a journey of a specific, remarkable type.

Slík ferð var ótrúleg.

Such a journey was incredible.

In this sentence, 'slíka' modifies 'skemmtun' (entertainment) in its accusative singular feminine form, emphasizing uniqueness.

Ég hef aldrei séð slíka skemmtun áður.

I have never seen such entertainment before.

Here, 'slíkur' is utilized in masculine plural form to refer to 'óhöpp' (accidents), highlighting a general category or type of accidents.

Slíkur óhöpp eiga sér oft stað.

Such accidents often occur.