
This is the 707th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Spurningum" is the dative plural form of "spurning," meaning "questions" in English.

In this sentence, "spurningum" is in dative plural, as it is the object being acted upon by the verb.

Nemendur eru að reyna að svara erfiðum spurningum.

The students are trying to answer difficult questions.

In this sentence, "spurningum" is used in dative plural because it follows the preposition "í gegnum," which governs the dative case.

Við fórum í gegnum margar spurningar á fundinum.

We went through many questions during the meeting.

In this sentence, "spurningum" is in dative plural as it serves as the object of answering.

Kennarinn útskýrði efni námsins með því að svara spurningum.

The teacher explained the subject matter by answering questions.