
This is the 937th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Spurði" means "asked" in English.

In this sentence, 'spurði' is the past tense of the verb 'spyrja' (to ask). It is used here to indicate an action in the past where someone is inquiring about an occurrence.

Hún spurði hvað hefði gerst.

She asked what had happened.

Here, 'spurði' demonstrates its function in reporting a past action involving a question posed in an educational context.

Fyrr í dag spurði barn kennarann hvort þau myndu læra meira um dýr.

Earlier today, a child asked the teacher if they would learn more about animals.

The word 'spurði' reflects a formal or courteous form of inquiring information, typically used in direct interactions to request specific knowledge.

Alexander spurði leiðsögumanninn um sögu staðarins.

Alexander asked the tour guide about the history of the place.