
This is the 107th most frequent Icelandic word.

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Activity, operation, or functioning.

The word 'starfsemi' is used here to mean 'operations' in the context of business and organizational activities.

Starfsemi fyrirtækisins hefur vaxið mikið síðasta árið.

The company's operations have grown significantly over the past year.

Here, 'starfsemi' means 'efforts' or 'initiatives', focusing on collective actions or programs benefiting the community.

Bæjarfélagið styður starfsemi sjálfboðaliða við umhverfisvernd.

The municipality supports the environmental conservation efforts by volunteers.

In this sentence, 'starfsemi' refers to 'activities' in the context of actions carried out by a group, specifically negative or harmful ones.

Hin miskunnarlausa starfsemi glæpagengisins leiddi til margra vandamála.

The ruthless activities of the criminal gang led to many problems.