
This is the 200th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Starfsmenn" means "employees" in English.

The word 'starfsmenn' is used here as a plural noun referring to 'employees' in a general workplace context.

Starfsmenn fyrirtækisins skiluðu frábæru starfi í vikunni.

The employees of the company delivered excellent work during the week.

In this sentence, 'starfsmenn' refers to the staff or employees in the organizational setting.

Stjórn hópsins kallaði starfsmenn saman í skyndifund.

The team's management called the employees together for an impromptu meeting.

Here, 'starfsmenn' denotes a specific identified group of employees granted authorization.

Aðeins þeir starfsmenn með auðkennismerki gátu fengið aðgang að svæðinu.

Only those employees with identification badges were allowed access to the area.