
This is the 388th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "staðan" translates to "the status" or "the situation" in English.

In this sentence, 'staðan' refers to the 'state' or 'status' of the game, indicating its current situation or progress.

Staðan í leiknum var mjög spennandi.

The state of the game was very exciting.

Here, 'staðan' is used to mean a 'position' or 'status', referring to someone's situation or role.

Hún bað um nýjar upplýsingar um stöðuna.

She asked for new information about the position.

In this sentence, 'staðan' indicates the speaker's 'position' or 'situation' in their job, denoting their role or standing.

Ég er ánægður með stöðuna í mínu starfi.

I am satisfied with my position at work.